Benefits of RFID Technology in Apparel and Footwear Industry

Nowadays, RFID apparel tags have occupied an important position in the retail field. RFID solutions can provide more detailed data for certain applications, and ultimately help evaluate the layout of the store in real time. Product authenticity has always been a challenge to build consumer confidence in any brand. The rise of counterfeiting and illegal cloning has threatened global retailers! Luxury goods were stolen and sold on the black market, seriously damaging the interests and brand image of brand owners.

Accurate storage location is the key to tracking high-end products. In theory, you can track what products arrive at the distribution center or store, as well as the inventory. However, the box is in the wrong location, and the shopper’s actions may cause all items in the store to be confused, making real-time location tracking tedious. Unlike ordinary Wal-Mart or Target stores, each product has a variety of sizes and styles. Luxury products are limited editions and usually customized; each misplaced product can lead to loss of sales and loss of customers.

There are many types of RFID tags in the apparel industry. The common ones are RFID hang tagsRFID flexible labels and RFID care labels. RFID eventually replaced traditional barcodes because RFID garment tags, RFID footwear tags can be counted in batches. At the same time, RFID tags can store more data about items. In addition, RFID retail projects tags are not easily damaged by tearing and tailing.

RFID is integrated in the entire supply chain

In order to reveal the true potential of RFID and bring maximum benefits to retailers, RFID technology must be embedded in the entire supply chain. Manufacturers need to use RFID when producing and shipping clothing. Logistics teams need to adopt and use RFID to transport and deliver goods in warehouses and stores to optimize labor-intensive activities in warehouses. In the store, employees need to use RFID to ensure that the inventory of items is at the best level, fast settlement, etc.


The traditional surveillance system will notify the retailer every time there is a violation, but it will not accurately inform the store. The RFID system provides anti-theft protection because items will be tracked when leaving the store, and accurate product information can be sent directly to security personnel. In addition to improving the loss prevention function, the exit/staff door RFID reading function can also track store goods at the last moment of exit, thereby verifying sales and preventing internal fraud. The intelligent use of RFID technology allows retailers to track the precise movement of items in the store. Products can be tracked and customer theft can be greatly reduced.

Item-level RFID will provide retailers with a unique ID. Provide effective protection for counterfeit items when product returns, exchanges and customer complaints. It can identify whether the returned sales items are the same instead of fake ones, which helps prevent losses.

Inventory management and product tracking

RFID tags will be printed by manufacturers and embedded in clothing. Work in progress can be tracked, and automatic transportation information can be updated to the central system. After the item is delivered to the warehouse, the automated system can trigger the advance shipment notification by scanning the package to the truck.

RFID provides the information necessary to maintain a small amount of safety stock, reduces storage and labor costs, and improves the efficiency of distribution centers and stores (back-office rooms). Batch RFID scanning can quickly arrange shipping and delivery time. Compared with manual methods, RFID inventory counting is at least 60% faster.

RFID tags can be used to integrate POS into the back-end inventory system to realize automatic workshop replenishment. Based on the items sold on the POS, companies can incorporate accurate, near real-time intelligence into inventory records and can always find items in the facility. Increase inventory accuracy to 99%. With the help of RFID, inventory counts can be carried out faster, more frequently, and more accurately, thereby greatly reducing stock-outs and increasing revenue and gross margins.

Improve customer experience

RFID tags can help retailers track customers’ shopping behaviors to determine the reasons for poor product sales. For example, if the RFID data indicates that the item has been brought to the fitting room but has not been converted into a sale item, the problem may lie in the fitting room.

RFID can shorten the checkout time. Reduce the time that customers wait in line. Using RFID can shorten the checkout time by more than 40%.

RFID technology enables retailers to better serve online, mobile and in-store customers. By ensuring the authenticity of the product, simplifying the in-store experience and sales process, and improving inventory accuracy and anti-theft capabilities.

In general, RFID will change the rules of the game in the next 5 years and will directly affect revenue and revenue.

RFID Tag Products for Apparel and Footwear RFID Solutions

Contact HUAYUAN to let us help you select the right RFID tag for your apparel and footwear.

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